Shubha Downloader
This is licensed under GNU GPL V3. It’s free for life product. Current beta is on windows. We will launch it on Linux and Mac soon.
- std csv
- Fcharts
- Amibroker
- Ninja Trader
- Advanceget
- Metastock
- NSE market cap report
- NSE Equity Derivatives Participant wise Open Interest
report - NSE Equity Derivatives Participant wise Trading Volumes
report - NSE bulk deals report
- NSE block deals report
- NSE Market Activity Report
- NSE combined report
- NSE Equity Derivatives FII derivatives statistics
report - NSE board meeting & corporate annoucements
- NSE Gainer & Loser of day
- NSE Price Hit new all time High or LOW
- NSE Price band hit High/Low
- NSE corporate actions
- BSE bulk data report
- BSE block deal data report
- NSE cash market bhavcopy with open int.
- NSE Equity Futures
- NSE Equity Options
- NSE ETF bhavocpy
- NSE SME bhavcopy
- NSE Forex Options
- NSE Forex Futures
- MCX Commodity bhavcopy
- National Spot Exchange bhavcopy
- MCX SX Commodity Index eod
- MCX SX Commodity Index spot eod
- NCDEX Futures
- BSE Equity Index
- BSE Cash market bhavcopy with open int.
- Yahoo Fundamental
Extra features
- Smart downloader with auto update from last download
date. - Application Auto update
- NSE Trading holidays support
- Google calender support
- Weekend support in built
We will enable ms format file and
Yahoo, Google IEOD, EOD soon.
Please file bugs here